poet. preacher. teacher. father. earther. visioner.
born on the east coast-outside of philly-south jersey, tai amri is the son of: educators, haiku writers, historical fiction novelists, operatic, choral musicians, and the descendent of: quaker abolitionists and mystic deviants. he's a quiet fire, one you don't know is burning until he reads what's on the page. he pays for his missteps to the ones who have come before and the ones who will take his place. he bows deep to the divine in you.
beautiful ashe
love letter to/from the black lives matter movement
beautiful ashe
things of blood
beautiful ashe
orisha black father/mother rage rises
Page Poet vs Spoken Word?
Is that all there is? You decide.
Never won a slam title, but I've sat at the feet of Saul Williams. My poems can get heard. If you want eyes, breath, sound, these are the words.
About the Author
Tai Amri Spann-Ryan, is Lawrence, Kansas' 2016 Langston Hughes Poetry Award Recipient, and is a co-founder of the collaborative group BLACK (Black Literature and Arts Collective of Kansas) where he organizes events and readings.